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Exploring the Relationship Between the Reverse the Cycle Model and Staff Attitudes Towards Patients with Opioid Use Disorder (A Pilot Study)

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Project Lead: Howard H. Goldman, MD, PhD

With research funding from IRIS, University of Maryland Medical Center’s Systems Evaluation Center conducted a pilot study across six Maryland hospital emergency departments (EDs) using Mosaic Group’s Reverse the Cycle (RTC) program. A key goal of the model is to reduce stigma towards patients with and medications for opioid use disorder (OUD). 

The study included 66 ED staff and used The Drug and Drug Problems Perception Questionnaire to measure attitudes towards patients with OUD. Results showed a statistically significant relationship between greater exposure to RTC and positive attitudes towards this population. This change was driven by greater role adequacy and staff satisfaction. The more staff were exposed to RTC, the more likely they were to feel knowledgeable about OUD and able to advise patients. They were also more satisfied with their ability to perform their jobs. 

RTC is a comprehensive hospital substance use response program based upon streamlining emergency department overdose response, medication-assisted treatment, and interventions led by peer recovery coaches. Starting the program with a ‘change team,’ the program model is multifaceted and takes place over a year. Learn more about the nationally recognized consulting firm, Mosaic Group and their RTC program here

Click here to read the full project write-up.

Read the report, "Peer Recover Coaches in Hospital EDs: Changing Hearts and Minds About Addiction"

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