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The specific aim of the IRIS Medicaid project is to test the use of Medicaid data for developing community-level benchmarks and individual-level matched control groups.


This will allow IRIS Collaborative and other community providers to make meaningful comparisons against which they can evaluate the effectiveness of their existing or newly developed interventions.

By the end of this project we hope to...

1. Provide a test case and template for further studies that can use Medicaid data as a matched control-comparison group for partner agencies associated with the IRIS collaborative and...

2. To test the effectiveness of Opiate Use Disorder Recovery Support Services (OUD-RSS) provided by participating agencies.

Specifically, this project will use Medicaid Claims data for individuals who have been diagnosed with Opiate Use Disorder (OUD) starting in 2016 and up to the most current data available. Using fields available in the claims data including procedure, provider, and ICD9/10 codes; demographic data; and geographic data we will develop standard outcome benchmarks and specific matched control groups that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of services.
The outcome variables include service use outcomes (e.g. OUD medication treatment adherence, use of psychosocial support services, use of acute care services) and adverse medical outcomes (e.g. opiate overdoses, soft tissue injuries, HIV/HEPC, or other OUD adverse health outcomes).
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